We’ve been in the business for twenty-four years. Our relationship with our clients does not end when the last nail is screwed in. We have been a part of projects that include interior designers and others that don’t. We’ve heard

Second, my education is in Interior Design! While I may sound bias, I assure you, I am not. Before my schooling, I thought some of the myths you might be thinking too, which I will address later. But what I learned through my experience, was that Interior Designers, besides being leaders in creativity, design, and styling; will save you time and money, saving you from costly mistakes.  

And if that doesn’t build our credibility, find numerous other articles and blogs on the same topic! But we’re here to find agreement. So here’s what we know.

1. They’re Professionals.

Consider why Interior Design is a field of study. Because no amount of Pinterest can make you a professional chef, event planner, or home builder. That’s not to say you cannot produce something delicious, fun, or beautiful. But the job of an interior designer is to use their field of study and expertise to create something innovative and custom to you.

Interior designers are not just the decorative decision makers, either, but will facilitate and track orders and deliveries, will make decisions to your benefit with their in-depth knowledge of materials, brands, and furniture options within your budget; and often know the leading trends and lifecycles far before Pinterest. Your home won’t just be another Pinterest home, it’ll be the home that influences all the other homes on Pinterest.

2. They will save you from costly mistakes.

Not only will interior designers maximize your living space, giving you the most function and beauty for your buck, but they will save you from costly mistakes. Familiar with building codes and standards, your interior designer will end up saving you from costly, timely mistakes. And often, interior designers save you from buying cheap materials, the wrong materials, or furniture you’ll end up replacing with the quality you should’ve began with. Not only does your home get the quality it deserves, but the value of your home just went up.

3. Their “sixth sense”.

Interior designers are the experts on beauty and function. While they are maximizing your space, they

4. Your design team.

So when do you include your interior designer in the plans? Right away. Your interior designer should not only work with the architect, but with the builder as well. They don’t just decorate your home, they should be a part of the design of your home for the best results inside and out. Experts that can work together for your best outcome are the people you want working for you, so the more experience your designers have with other architects and builders, the better.

5. The myths you must be thinking.

  • Interior designers only work for the wealthy.

Not true at all! While your impression may be of the Kardashians’ mansion homes and luxurious designers, interior designs are available to all. You just have to know how to find the right one for you. Find a junior interior designer looking for experience or portfolio pieces after their education, internships, etc. Otherwise, if you’re concerned about the money spent, you can either find an interior designer within your budget or better yet: see the investment of it. Interior designers will source quality products, quality furniture, and strategic decorations all within your budget. You may end up saving not only money but time.

  • Interior designers are glorified personal shoppers.

Rigorous education with degrees, certifications, and plenty of experience to prove otherwise.

  • They’re a scam to get paid to decorate.

Like I said, interior designers are much more than “decorators”. Actually, delete “interior decorator” from your vocabulary altogether.

Interior designers will form real, authentic friendships with the client to understand your needs and lifestyle for their designs to best fit you in your home, while considering the resale of it.

  • It’s a fun job, I want to do it myself.

Considering the scale of the project, especially if this is a new-build you’re designing, the interior design is no walk in the park, and is definitely not covered after a wild trip to Target.

With effective communication and an understanding of what you want your role to be, you will be a part of the selections process. No decision will be made without your go-ahead.

Your beautifully designed and built home deserves the same time and attention in the interior.

We’re on your side, because we want you to have the best home building experience you could ask for.
